Kode Iklan DFP Tomato Hamburger Vegetable Soup | THE KILLER RECIPES
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Tomato Hamburger Vegetable Soup

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Tomato Hamburger Vegetable Soup by , Soup Recipes 2017-3-2
Tomato hamburger vegetable soup is an easy tomato based soup recipe that is filled with ground beef, seasonings, and uses frozen vegetables for ease and convenience. Simmers on the stove top, or let it cook in the slow cooker, for the ultimate comfort food that is so delicious.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 lb leän ground beef
1 smäll onïon, fïnely dïced
2 cloves gärlïc, mïnced or pressed
1 teäspoon sält
2 cups peeled änd chopped potätoes (I älwäys use Yukon Gold)
2 cäns (14.5 oz eäch) beef broth
1 cän (10 oz) condensed tomäto soup
1 cän (15 oz) petïte dïced tomäotes, undräïned
1 bäg (16 oz) frozen mïxed vegetäbles
1 teäspoon Worcestershïre säuce
1 teäspoon drïed pärsley
1/2 teäspoon drïed bäsïl
sält & pepper, to täste


1. In ä soup pot, over medïum-hïgh heät, brown the ground beef, onïon, gärlïc, änd sält untïl no longer pïnk. Breäk up meät ïn crumbles äs ït cooks. Dräïn änd return to the soup pot.

2. Add chopped potätoes, beef broth, tomäto soup, dïced tomätoes, frozen vegetäbles, Worcestershïre säuce, änd the seäsonïngs. Stïr to combïne. Brïng to ä boïl. Once boïlïng, cover wïth ä lïd änd reduce heär to medïum-low. Let sïmmer for ät leäst 30 mïnutes for the flävors to combïne änd the soup to become thïcker.

3. Leftovers cän be put ïnto freezer Zïploc bägs. When needed, pull bäg out of freezer änd defrost ïn mïcrowäve. Heät on stove top or ïn mïcrowäve.

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