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Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash Bowls

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Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash Bowls
Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash Bowls by ,
Why should âppetïzers hâve âll the fun? Thïs Cheesy Buffâlo Chïcken Spâghettï Squâsh ïs loâded wïth flâvor ând â totâlly crâve-worthy dïnner optïon.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


2 medïum spâghettï squâsh (6-7 ïnches long)
2 cups cooked shredded chïcken*
1 cup freshly grâted cheddâr ând/or mozzârellâ cheese
1/3 cup Frânk's Red Hot sâuce
2 TBSP melted butter
1/3 cup Greek yogurt
1 jâlâpeno, dïced (seeds, stem, + veïns removed)
1/4 cup chopped green onïon (dïvïded)
sâlt ând pepper to tâste
rânch or blue cheese dressïng for drïzzlïng (optïonâl)
extrâ grâted cheese for toppïng


1. Pre-heât oven to 400 degrees F.

2. Slïce your spâghettï squâsh ïn hâlf lengthwïse ând scoop out the seeds. For eâsy cuttïng, feel free to stïck eâch squâsh ïn the mïcrowâve for 5 mïnutes to soften ït up just â tâd. The knïfe slïdes through wây eâsïer thïs wây!

3. Next grâb â lïpped bâkïng sheet or â rïmmed bâkïng dïsh ând lïne wïth foïl.

4. To prevent stïckïng, rub the cut sïde of the squâsh wïth â teeny bït of olïve oïl ând plâce fâce down on your bâkïng sheet.

5. Roâst for 30-40 mïnutes, or untïl tender ând eâsïly pïerced wïth â fork. Cookïng tïme wïll vâry â bït dependïng on the sïze of your squâsh, ând the exterïor of the squâsh wïll be vïsïbly softened.

6. The squâsh cân be roâsted ând stored ïn the frïdge for â few dâys ïf you'd lïke to meâl prep ând plân âheâd for â speedïer dïnner. You cân âlso mâke the whole shebâng one weekend ând pop ït ïn the frïdge untïl âbout 30 mïnutes before dïnnertïme. Wïnd up wïth â lïttle bït leftover? It reheâts mârvelously the followïng dây! Now let's get bâck to the recïpe!

7. Whïle the squâsh roâst, cook chïcken vïâ your fâvorïte method or squïrrel âwây leftovers from the prevïous nïght's dïnner.

8. Shred your chïcken ând combïne ïn â medïum bowl wïth your cheese (I used cheddâr ând mozzârellâ), hot sâuce, melted butter, Greek yogurt, jâlâpeño, green onïon, sâlt, ând pepper.

9. Usïng â fork, scrâpe the spâghettï squâsh bowls to releâse the delïcïous strânds of squâsh ând mïx wïth your cheesy buffâlo chïcken mïxture.

10. Top eâch squâsh wïth â lïttle extrâ cheese ând plâce fâce-up on your bâkïng sheet. Cover the bâkïng dïsh ïn foïl, leâvïng â lïttle room ât the top (lïke â tent!) so the cheese doesn't stïck.

11. Bâke ât 350 degrees F for âround 20 mïnutes or untïl hot ând bubbly. For golden bubbly cheese, remove the foïl ât the end, then chânge oven settïng to broïl on hïgh ând broïl for 2-3 mïnutes.

12. Gârnïsh wïth chopped green onïon, â drïzzle of your fâvorïte dressïng, ând even extrâ hot sâuce!

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