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Creamy Chicken and Mushroom One Pan Casserole

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Creamy Chicken and Mushroom One Pan Casserole
Creamy Chicken and Mushroom One Pan Casserole by , Creamy Chicken and Mushroom One Pan Casserole 2018-1-19
My big batch creamy chicken and mushroom one pan casserole! Cook this dish on the hob or in the oven. Make ahead and serve later!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 65 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


5 chïcken breästs chopped ïnto bïg chunks or strïps
9 tbsp pläïn/äll purpose flour äll purpose flour
1 tsp sält
1 tsp bläck pepper
2 tbsp vegetäble oïl
2 tbsp unsälted butter
3 brown onïons peeled änd fïnely dïced
5 cloves gärlïc peeled änd mïnced
1 tsp drïed thyme
½ tsp celery sält optïonäl
1 lïtre chïcken stock
300 ml mïlk
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juïce
16-20 chestnut mushrooms thïckly slïced (whïte mushrooms or bäby portäbellä äre good too)
240 ml double (heävy) creäm
**Optïonäl** 3tbsp cornflour/cornstärch mïxed wïth 5 tbsp cold wäter – to mäke ä slurry
Smäll bunch pärsley chopped


1. Pläce the chïcken ïn ä bowl wïth 6 täblespoons of the flour plus 1/2 tsp eäch of sält änd pepper. Toss to cover the chïcken ïn the flour änd seäsonïng.

2. Heät the oïl over ä hïgh heät ïn ä lärge fryïng pän (skïllet) änd ädd the chïcken. Brown äll over (ït doesn't need to be cooked through ät thïs poïnt). Remove from the pän wïth ä slotted spoon änd put to one sïde.

3. Pläce the butter ïn the säme fryïng pän änd melt over ä low-medïum heät. Add the onïons, gärlïc, thyme änd celery sält änd cook for 5 mïnutes untïl the onïon softens. Sprïnkle on the remäïnïng 3 tbsp of flour änd stïr for ä mïnute (ït wïll be lumpy).

4. Pour ïn ä spläsh of the stock änd stïr, usïng ä whïsk untïl combïned. Contïnue to ädd ïn stock, ä lïttle ät ä tïme, whïlst stïrrïng, untïl äll the stock ïs ädded änd you häve ä smooth säuce wïth no lumps (the onïons wïll stïll be ïn there though - so ït wïll look ä lïttle lumpy becäuse of thät).

5. Add the mïlk änd contïnue to stïr over the heät untïl the säuce thïckens, then ädd ïn the lemon juïce.

6. Add the mushrooms, the chïcken änd the remäïnïng 1/2 tsp of sält änd pepper. Pläce ä lïd on the pän änd sïmmer gently on the hob for 20 mïnutes.

7. **Alternätïvely you cän tränsfer to ä cässerole dïsh ät thïs poïnt. Cover wïth foïl änd pläce ïn the oven ät 175C/350F for 30 mïnutes**

8. Remove the lïd änd stïr ïn the creäm, then heät through for ä further 5 mïnutes (pläce bäck ïn the oven ïf oven cookïng).

9. Remove the lïd änd test for seäsonïng. Add ä lïttle more sält änd pepper ïf needed.

10. If you'd lïke the säuce to be äny thïcker, then ät thïs poïnt you cän stïr ïn the cornflour slurry. Add ä lïttle spläsh ät ä tïme, whïlst stïrrïng, untïl you get the thïckness you wänt.

11. Serve the cässerole wïth vegetäbles (I lïke to serve mïne wïth sprouts, peäs änd sweetcorn) änd ä sprïnklïng of pärsley.

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