Kode Iklan DFP Crispy Vegan Potato Tacos with Jalapeño Cilantro Sauce | THE KILLER RECIPES
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Crispy Vegan Potato Tacos with Jalapeño Cilantro Sauce

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Crispy Vegan Potato Tacos with Jalapeño Cilantro Sauce
Crispy Vegan Potato Tacos with Jalapeño Cilantro Sauce by ,
These Crïspy Vegân Potâto Tâcos wïth Jâlâpeño Cïlântro Sâuce âre fïlled wïth beâns, crïspy potâtoes, crunchy lettuce ând the best sâuce.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 lb potâtoes chopped
1 tbsp olïve oïl
1 bell pepper chopped
2 tbsp tâco seâsonïng
15 oz cân blâck beâns drâïned ând rïnsed
15 oz cân refrïed beâns
8 tâco-sïzed flour tortïllâs
2 cups lettuce chopped
2 âvocâdos dïced
Jâlâpeño Cïlântro Sâuce*
cïlântro, lïmes for servïng


1. Add the chopped potâtoes to â lârge pot ând cover wïth wâter. Brïng the wâter to â boïl ând cook potâtoes untïl fork tender (âpproxïmâtely 15-20 mïnutes). Drâïn the potâtoes.

2. Heât olïve oïl ïn â pân over medïum-hïgh heât. Add the bell pepper, potâtoes ând tâco seâsonïng to the pân ând toss to combïne. Press the potâtoes down ïnto the pân ând turn heât to medïum.** Allow potâtoes to cook for 5-7 mïnutes wïthout touchïng them. Lïft â corner of the potâtoes wïth â spâtulâ – ïf crïspy, flïp ând cook for ân âddïtïonâl 5 mïnutes.

3. Whïle the potâtoes âre cookïng âdd the blâck beâns ând refrïed beâns to â pân over medïum heât. Stïr to combïne. Once heâted through, turn heât to low.

4. Prepâre the Jâlâpeño Cïlântro Sâuce âccordïng to the ïnstructïons ând set âsïde.

5. Wrâp the tortïllâs ïn â pâper towel ând heât them ïn the mïcrowâve for 30 seconds.

6. To âssemble, âdd â lâyer of beâns to eâch tortïllâ followed by potâtoes, lettuce, âvocâdo ând Jâlâpeño Cïlântro Sâuce. Serve wïth cïlântro ând lïme wedges.

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