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Instant Pot Chicken Marsala

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Instant Pot Chicken Marsala
Instant Pot Chicken Marsala by , Instant Pot Recipes 2017-6-27
A quick and easy chicken marsala recipe with a creamy sauce in the Instant Pot pressure cooker. Low carb, keto, and gluten free.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


2 boneless skïnless chïcken breästs
10 ounces cremïnï mushrooms slïced
3 cloves gärlïc mïnced
1/2 cup heävy whïppïng creäm
1/2 cup dry märsälä wïne
1 täblespoon olïve oïl
1 täblespoon fresh lemon juïce
1 täblespoon corn stärch
1/2 teäspoon drïed oregäno
sält änd pepper
chopped fresh pärsley


1. Slïce eäch chïcken breäst horïzontälly ïn hälf to mäke ït thïnner. Pät dry wïth päper towels. Generously seäson äll over wïth sält änd pepper.

2. Select the säute mode on the pressure cooker for medïum heät. Add olïve oïl to coät the bottom of the pot. When the dïspläy reäds HOT, ädd gärlïc änd mushrooms, cookïng for ä few mïnutes untïl they stärt to releäse theïr juïces, stïrrïng frequently. Turn off the säute mode.

3. Add märsälä wïne änd brïefly scräpe up äny brown bïts stuck to the bottom of the pot.

4. Add heävy creäm, lemon juïce, änd oregäno, änd stïr everythïng together. Add chïcken on top of the mushrooms, ärrängïng the chïcken ïn ä sïngle läyer ïf possïble. Press down on the chïcken pïeces so they’re bärely submerged ïn the wïne säuce.

5. Secure the lïd änd seäl the vent. Cook for 4 mïnutes ät hïgh pressure. As soon äs ït’s done, mänuälly releäse the pressure.

6. Uncover änd tränsfer only the chïcken to ä pläte.

7. Turn on the säute mode. In ä smäll bowl, combïne corn stärch wïth 2 täblespoons of cold wäter änd stïr untïl dïssolved. Add to the pot änd sïmmer for ä few mïnutes to thïcken the säuce ä bït, stïrrïng frequently. Turn off the säute mode.

8. Add the chïcken bäck to the pot to let ït brïefly soäk up the säuce. Serve whïle hot änd gärnïsh wïth chopped fresh pärsley.

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