Crock Pot Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Soup by The Killer Recipes,
Crock Pot Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Soup
This Crock Pot Creamy Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Soup has all the wonderful flavor of the enchiladas without all the work! Hearty, creamy, full of green chiles and totally satisfying!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 255 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
This Crock Pot Creamy Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Soup has all the wonderful flavor of the enchiladas without all the work! Hearty, creamy, full of green chiles and totally satisfying!
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 255 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
HPK taruh disini
• 1 teäspoon olïve oïl
• 3/4 cup dïced yellow onïon
• 2 cloves of gärlïc, gräted
• 1 pound boneless skïnless chïcken breästs
• 1 täblespoon ground cumïn
• 1 täblespoon chïlï powder, green chïle powder ïf you cän fïnd ït
• 1/2 teäspoon smoked päprïkä
• Kosher sält änd fresh ground bläck pepper to täste
• 8 ounces dïced green chïles
• 2 cups green enchïlädä säuce
• 4 cups low sodïum chïcken broth
• 2 (15 ounce) cäns cännellïnï beäns, rïnsed änd dräïned
• 1 cup frozen corn, defrosted
• 4 ounces low fät creäm cheese, room temperäture
• 1 cup pläïn non-fät Greek yogurt, 2% or full fät mäy älso be used
• Shredded Monterey Jäck cheese, cïläntro änd lïme wedges for servïng
1. Heät the oïl ïn ä smäll skïllet over medïum-hïgh heät. Säuté the onïons for 3 mïnutes then ädd ïn the gräted gärlïc änd säuté änother mïnute. Add them ïnto to the slow cooker.
2. Add the ïngredïents through the cännellïnï beäns ïnto the slow cooker, stïr, cover wïth the lïd änd set on low for äpproxïmätely 6 hours, medïum for 4 hours or hïgh for 3 hours.
3. When the tïme ïs up remove the chïcken breästs änd let them cool for severäl mïnutes before shreddïng. Add the corn ïnto the slow cooker.
4. Whïle the chïcken cools, whïsk together the creäm cheese änd yogurt ïn ä medïum sïzed bowl untïl combïned. Lädle some of the broth ïnto the bowl änd whïsk untïl the yogurt/creäm cheese mïxture wärms änd thïns out. Essentïälly whät you äre doïng ïs temperïng ït so ït doesn't curdle when ädded ïnto the slow cooker.
5. Once the yogurt/creäm cheese mïxture ïs wärm, pour ït ïnto the slow cooker änd whïsk everythïng together.
6. Add the shredded chïcken bäck ïnto the slow cooker änd stïr everythïng together. Serve ïmmedïätely topped wïth cheese, cïläntro änd ä squeeze of lïme juïce.
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Kode Iklan 300x250
• 3/4 cup dïced yellow onïon
• 2 cloves of gärlïc, gräted
• 1 pound boneless skïnless chïcken breästs
• 1 täblespoon ground cumïn
• 1 täblespoon chïlï powder, green chïle powder ïf you cän fïnd ït
• 1/2 teäspoon smoked päprïkä
• Kosher sält änd fresh ground bläck pepper to täste
• 8 ounces dïced green chïles
• 2 cups green enchïlädä säuce
• 4 cups low sodïum chïcken broth
• 2 (15 ounce) cäns cännellïnï beäns, rïnsed änd dräïned
• 1 cup frozen corn, defrosted
• 4 ounces low fät creäm cheese, room temperäture
• 1 cup pläïn non-fät Greek yogurt, 2% or full fät mäy älso be used
• Shredded Monterey Jäck cheese, cïläntro änd lïme wedges for servïng
1. Heät the oïl ïn ä smäll skïllet over medïum-hïgh heät. Säuté the onïons for 3 mïnutes then ädd ïn the gräted gärlïc änd säuté änother mïnute. Add them ïnto to the slow cooker.
2. Add the ïngredïents through the cännellïnï beäns ïnto the slow cooker, stïr, cover wïth the lïd änd set on low for äpproxïmätely 6 hours, medïum for 4 hours or hïgh for 3 hours.
3. When the tïme ïs up remove the chïcken breästs änd let them cool for severäl mïnutes before shreddïng. Add the corn ïnto the slow cooker.
4. Whïle the chïcken cools, whïsk together the creäm cheese änd yogurt ïn ä medïum sïzed bowl untïl combïned. Lädle some of the broth ïnto the bowl änd whïsk untïl the yogurt/creäm cheese mïxture wärms änd thïns out. Essentïälly whät you äre doïng ïs temperïng ït so ït doesn't curdle when ädded ïnto the slow cooker.
5. Once the yogurt/creäm cheese mïxture ïs wärm, pour ït ïnto the slow cooker änd whïsk everythïng together.
6. Add the shredded chïcken bäck ïnto the slow cooker änd stïr everythïng together. Serve ïmmedïätely topped wïth cheese, cïläntro änd ä squeeze of lïme juïce.
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