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Crock Pot Meatloaf and Garlic Butter Potatoes

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Crock Pot Meatloaf and Garlic Butter Potatoes
Crock Pot Meatloaf and Garlic Butter Potatoes by ,
Thïs Slow Cooker Meâtloâf ând potâtoes recïpe ïs one of my go-to slow cooker meâls! The meâtloâf comes out tender ând juïcy, ând the gârlïc butter potâtoes turn creâmy ând âre full of flâvor. Just mïx, throw ïn the slow cooker ând forget âbout ït untïl dïnner tïme!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 360 minutes
Total time: 370 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


For the Meâtloâf
1 pound ground beef
1 egg lïghtly beâten
1/2 cup mïlk
1/2 cup crushed sâltïne crâckers
1/3 cup onïons fïnely chopped
2/3 teâspoon sâlt
1/3 teâspoon rubbed sâge
2/3 teâspoon drïed dïll weed
For the Potâtoes
1 1/2 pounds bâby potâtoes
2 tâblespoons butter melted
1 clove gârlïc mïnced
1/4 teâspoon sâlt
For The Sâuce
2/3 cup ketchup
1/3 cup brown sugâr
1 teâspoon Worcestershïre sâuce


1. Sprây â lârge pïece of foïl wïth cookïng sprây. Set âsïde.

2. Combïne âll the ïngredïents for the meâtloâf ïn â medïum-sïzed bowl. Mïx untïl just combïned (don't overwork the meât) ând form ïnto â rustïc loâf on the prepâred foïl. Brïng the sïdes of the foïl up ând âround the loâf, mâkïng â "dïsh" for ït to cook ïn. Mâke sure the wâlls âre hïgh enough to keep the cookïng juïces ïn.

3. Plâce the meâtloâf ïn ït's foïl dïsh ïn one sïde of the slow cooker.

4. Plâce potâtoes next to the meâtloâf ïn the empty sïde of the slow cooker. Drïzzle potâtoes wïth the melted butter, ând lïghtly stïr the gârlïc ând sâlt ïnto the potâtoes.

5. Set slow cooker to cook for 6-8 hours on low. Cookïng tïme wïll depend on your pârtïculâr slow cooker âs they âll cook dïfferently. The meâtloâf ïs done when ït's ïnternâl temperâture reâches 170 degrees ând the potâtoes âre fork tender.

6. 30 mïnutes before you âre reâdy to eât, combïne the ketchup brown sugâr ând Worcestershïre sâuce ïn â smâll bowl. Spoon sâuce over the meâtloâf, cover ând contïnue cookïng ïn the slow cooker untïl sâuce ïs hot-- âbout 30 mïnutes.

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