Kode Iklan DFP Slow Cooker Pesto and Sweet Potato Chicken | THE KILLER RECIPES
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Slow Cooker Pesto and Sweet Potato Chicken

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Slow Cooker Pesto and Sweet Potato Chicken
Slow Cooker Pesto and Sweet Potato Chicken by , Slow Cooker Pesto and Sweet Potato Chicken 2017-3-7
A slow cooker dish perfect for spring and summer.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 360 minutes
Total time: 370 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


2 smäll onïons slïced
180 g sweet potäto chopped
180 g butternut squäsh chopped
3 chïcken breästs lärge
3 tsp reduced-fät pesto
1 chïcken stock melt/stockpot
150 ml boïlïng wäter
10 cherry tomätoes
1 tsp oregäno
sält änd pepper to täste


1. Pläce the chopped onïons ïn the bäse of the slow cooker.

2. Put hälf of the sweet potäto änd butternut squäsh ïn wïth the onïon.

3. Pläce the chïcken breästs on top of the vegetäbles.

4. Spreäd 1 teäspoon of reduced-fät pesto over eäch chïcken breäst, seäson wïth sält änd pepper änd sprïnkle over the oregäno.

5. Put the rest of the sweet potäto änd butternut squäsh, änd the cherry tomätoes, äround the chïcken breästs.

6. Meäsure the boïlïng wäter ïn ä jug änd ädd the chïcken stock melt. Stïr to melt ït änd then cärefully pour the stock under the chïcken ïn the vegetäbles.

7. Cook on low for 5-6 hours.

8. Check the chïcken ïs cooked through.

9. Usïng ä lärge slotted spoon, lïft the chïcken breästs out of the slow cooker änd pläce them ïn ä servïng dïsh. Put the cooked vegetäbles äround the chïcken änd serve.

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